Obstacle combinations - Nav3D Doc

Docy Child

Obstacle combinations

We will call obstacles with the selected processing mode “Runtime” as runtime obstacles, and those with the “Load from binary” mode as static obstacles.

If you create a runtime obstacle during game mode, it will be processed and added to the storage (when OnEnable() is triggered). If you disable an already processed runtime obstacle on the scene, it will be removed from the storage (when OnDisable() is triggered).

Static obstacles are meant to be static in the sense that they cannot be added or removed in playmode. They will be present in the scene from the moment they are loaded from the file until Nav3D is deinitialized.

Since the above operations of adding and removing for a specific obstacle can affect the volumes of other obstacles on the scene, a conflict arises between static and runtime obstacles if their volumes intersect in space.

So we decided to introduce a few restrictions:

  • At the time of initialization, all static obstacles are first loaded and added, only then runtime obstacles are processed and added (if there are any on the scene).
  • When processing and adding a runtime obstacle, its volume must not intersect the volumes of static obstacles, otherwise an IntersectStaticObstacleException will be thrown.
  • As mentioned above, adding several runtime obstacles can lead to the fact that a combined volume will be formed for them that is larger than each of their volumes separately. Your task is to ensure that the possible combined volume does not intersect the volumes of static obstacles. To check for such a potential collision there is a method Nav3DManager.BoundsCrossStaticObstacles(Bounds _Bounds).

To avoid such situations, we suggest that you completely avoid using static and runtime obstacles together on the same scene.

If you still decide to use both types, we recommend creating runtime obstacles far from static obstacles in order to minimize the likelihood of volumes intersecting.

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